‘The items are a collection of things that hold memories for me. A painting of Joan of Arc, she has been my hero since I was a little kid. I remember learning about her in school and I wanted to be like Joan of Arc. She was a warrior, a fighter. A photo of my mother, who is a very complex women. She has been through a lot. I lost my father when we were very young and mum raised three kids on her own. She has suffered depression and anxiety all her life from the trauma of loosing my dad. I guess we have all inherited a little bit of that. She is now 77 and she is very much on my mind. A photo of my three children, when they were babies, and these young human beings mean more to me than anything else in this world. I love them and reason for existing now is to ensure that they will have a life that has peace in it, and they feel safe and secure without me. My grandmother who is my hero, we had a very close relationship. She shared a lot of her stories with me and I love her for being so brave. I have a wedding ring that I have with me all the time, it’s my father’s wedding ring. My dad got killed in a car accident when he was 32 and I have that wedding ring. It’s the only thing of his. I have a rosary, which my eldest daughter gifted me, and that means a lot to me, because her and I have been through a lot together. The last thing is a silver bangle, that was a wedding anniversary present from my ex-husband. It still reminds me of a time in my life, when it was a happy time, but it is past.’

Erana – ex-prisoner
Charge – Remand Possession of Cocaine for Supply
Life today : Erana Clark was a childhood star in New Zealand before moving to Australia. At the age of 12 with her song ‘Circle Game’ she was a finalist RATA Awards for excellence in New Zealand Recording Industry, and by the age of 21 she was already a veteran performer. Having been a teenager and being exposed to an adult lifestyle, took a toll on her life. Erana later became a voice coach on Australian Idol, X-Factor and  Australia’s Got Talent. She regularly visits a diverse range of communities of all beliefs and religions to sing and share the story of her life.