‘I know that something really terrible happened to you in your life. Something that may never be spoken about. How could a human be so cruel to you, beautiful woman? But you do have a choice now, a choice to go down a different pathway. A pathway where you will find kind people who can help you. They have special skills and they have done this before. We are there for you to find yourself again and to help you start healing. I am a strong woman and you are the strongest women I know.’
Principal Advisor for Women Offenders NSW Correctional Services
Aboriginal Liaison Officer NSW Correctional Services
Proud Mum of two lovely boys
‘My career with Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) started in 2009. My first few roles were working with Aboriginal people, as the Aboriginal Welfare Officer for Long Bay Correctional Complex and as the Project Officer for Aboriginal Programs in the Aboriginal Unit. It was in 2015 that I was given the opportunity to act in the Principal Advisor, Women Offenders role as a career development opportunity. I was the first Aboriginal woman in this role. It was a unique role that provided high level advice to the CSNSW Executive Team and the Minister’s Office. When a woman comes to gaol her whole life is affected and it’s stalled. She will lose her children, her home, her belongings, her community, her self-respect. At this point in her life she will be broken and need a lot of support for her complex needs and assistance to get ready to re-enter the community. My role was to ensure that the appropriate services and programs were being received by women in custody and on community corrections orders. I learnt so much during this period of my life. I am proud to have been in this role.’